Monday, February 25, 2008

More amazing Macedonian Music

Karolina Goceva appears to be a pretty popular Macedonian star. She likes blue filters, awkward camera cuts, hair gel, and lip synching. The only word I could make out from song was "musika" or something like that...I'm guessing it's a cognate. Mojot Svet is her most popular song.

There are no words to describe this next video, except that "Karolina Goceva vs Elena Risteska - Part 2" does not do it justice. It has some English, some partial nudity, lots of Macedonian, and pure sexxxxxy.

And how could I skip the aptly titled nationalist YouTube video, "Macedonia is Greece." It's...well...breathtakingly Balkan.

And as a final addition, I felt it necessary to give us a counterpoint: Macedonian Nationalism at its finest. Take note of
  • the baby wrapped in the Macedonian flag
  • a turkey descending from the Macedonian sun
  • lions, wolves, and a playboy bunny
  • the phrase "sexy Macedonia" emblazoned on a map of Macedonia
  • a Macedonian-flag clad Calvin peeing on the Greek flag
  • the the phrase "Greece is Gay"
  • a picture of the Greek flag with a swastika on top saying "Fuck Greece for injustice, Fucking Racists"

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